Fiscal Note
Additional cost to the City of Madison is not to exceed a total of $9,004.55.
Budget authority is available in account 10368-84-174-84600.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Addendum No. 2 to the Contract for Professional Services with Brown and Caldwell for floodplain remapping and feasibility-level design for a stormwater treatment project adjacent to Starkweather Creek.
WHEREAS, The City of Madison has previously entered into a contract for Professional Services with Brown and Caldwell to collect storm flow samples from Starkweather Creek and test the effectiveness of different coagulants on total suspended sediment and phosphorus in support of a feasibility-level design for a stormwater treatment facility on Starkweather Creek; and
WHEREAS, Brown and Caldwell has completed the majority of the required collection and testing for the City of Madison; and
WHEREAS, Brown and Caldwell is qualified to do this work:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk area authorized to execute Addendum #2 to the existing Starkweather Creek Stormwater Treatment Project agreement with Brown and Caldwell to provide additional consulting services, as further detailed in the scope of services.