Parks Equity Team presentation on the Racial Equity Action Plan
The Parks Equity Team has been working over the past year to become train themselves and work together on a Racial Equity Action Plan for the Parks Division. The Plan is being finalized over the next two months, but staff wants to engage with the Commission to ensure there is awareness of the Plan, its goals, and timelines. Some key points regarding the Plan are:
• Equity without action is simply conversation. Now more than ever, it imperative that we have a clear plan with goals, actions, performance measures, accountability, and evaluation tools to ensure we have an intentional approach to prioritize and advance racial equity in our work.
• The Action Plan is centered on 4 areas- Health & Safety, Public Participation, Employment, Tool & Training.
• The Action Plan template is based on the recommended GARE model with small adaptations.
• The Action Plan is rooted in inter-agency/cross-agency collaboration, best practices, and feedback from mid-level managers to front-line staff.
• The Action Plan for 2-years. At the end of the 2-year term, we will be able to measure the effectiveness of the items listed in the Action Plan.
• The Action Plan positions Parks to assist efforts that have not historically produced equitable outcomes.