Fiscal Note
No impact, minor revenue to the Madison Sewer Utility from Fitchburg for past and future billings.
Amending an intergovernmental agreement relating to the Post Road Sanitary Sewer Extension between the City of Madison and the City of Fitchburg.
Whereas, the Cities of Madison and Fitchburg previously entered into an intergovernmental agreement (RES-12-00049) to allow certain properties within the City of Fitchburg to connect to the Madison Sewer Utility, and;
Whereas, since the original agreement, additional Fitchburg properties were determined to be served by Madison sewer and other Fitchburg properties within the boundary of the original agreement can now be excluded as Madison customers due to reconfiguration of sewerage monitoring points by the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, and;
Whereas, this amendment shall accurately depict the correct division of sewer customers for the respective municipalities going forward as set forth in attached Exhibit A, and sewerage billings for the past 2 years shall be reconciled with this amendment.
Now, Therefore be it resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Intergovernmental Agreement Relating to the Post Road Sanitary Sewer Extension - First Amendment.