Fiscal Note
The incremental cost for this classification change and FTE increase can be funded by the existing Operating Budget.
No additional appropriation is needed.
SUBSTITUTE Delete position #4596 of a 0.50 FTE Account Clerk 2 and recreate it as a 0.60 FTE Account Clerk 2 Accountant 2 position in the Engineering Operating Budget.
WHEREAS the 2016 Operating Budget included the creation of a 0.50 FTE Account Clerk 2 position; and
WHEREAS the needs of the Financial Section of the Engineering Division (which includes Engineering, Public Works, Sewer Utility, Stormwater Utility and Landfill) could be better served by a professional Accountant 2; and
WHEREAS a position needs to be at least 0.60 FTE in order to be eligible for benefits; and
WHEREAS the Engineering Division can absorb the incremental cost due to several positions which are not yet filled.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Engineering Operating Budget is hereby amended to delete position #4596 of a 0.50 FTE Account Clerk 2 and recreate it as a 0.60 FTE Account Clerk 2 Accountant 2 position.