Fiscal Note
No additional appropriation required.
Direction to Implement the Metro Network Redesign in summer 2023
WHEREAS, the current Metro transfer point system forces people living in peripheral areas of the City of Madison to make transfers to get to most destinations in the City; and
WHEREAS, peripheral areas of the City of Madison contain higher proportions of people of color that the City as a whole; and
WHEREAS, previous ridership surveys have confirmed that people of color have substantially longer trips and are forced to transfer at a significantly higher rate; and
WHEREAS, Metro has received extensive complaints about trip durations, required transfers, safety concerns at transfer points, and the complexity of the system being difficult for Metro users; and
WHEREAS, in 2020 Metro selected a consultant to study how a redesigned network could benefit most people in the City of Madison; and
WHEREAS, in 2021, that study, called the “Transit Network Redesign” conducted a public outreach campaign that favored a shift to a network that provided fewer routes, running more often, that no longer is designed around transfer points but instead traveled all the way across the City; and
WHEREAS, in 2021 the Transportation and Policy Board directed staff to prepare a Draft Network Plan that followed that guidance; and
WHEREAS, from January to April 2022, Metro staff shared a draft network plan and attended over 50 public meetings and collected over 3,000 public comments on the draft plan; and
WHEREAS, Metro staff have prepared amendments to the draft plan in order to address many of the public comments; and
WHEREAS, on June 7, 2022, the Madison Common Council adopted a resolution adopting the Transit Network Redesign plan and amendments contingent on preparation of final details such as start and end times, bus stop locations, and Title VI analysis for approval by the Transportation Commission; and
WHEREAS, staff has completed the preparation of thes...
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