Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required. Any difference in salaries will be absorbed through salary savings. There is no impact upon cost controls.
SUBSTITUTE - Amending the 2008 Public Health Operating Budget by the deletion of a vacant 1.0 FTE LTE Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, and increasing the half-time LTE Community Relations Specialist position to full-time status.
Preamble: In the 2008 Public Health Operating Budget, the LTE Community Relations Specialist was reduced from a full-time to a half-time position. The position of LTE Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, a grant funded position, has recently been vacated. With this resolution, funding and job function is transferred to the LTE Community Relations Specialist and it is increased to full-time. The duties of the two positions are very compatible.
Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that a 1.0 FTE LTE Emergency Preparedness Coordinator position is deleted from the permanent salary detail of the Public Health 2008 Operation Budget, and the LTE Community Relations Specialist is increased from half-time to full-time status.