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A Resolution amending Resolution RES-12-00816, Legistar No. 26949 to provide that once appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council, as was accomplished by Legistar No. 28842, the members of the TIF Policy Review Ad Hoc Committee shall serve until the Committee completes its work or the alder’s term expires.
Whereas, on October 16, 2012, the Common Council adopted RES-12-00816, Legistar No. 26949, establishing a TIF Police Review Ad Hoc Committee; and
Whereas, that resolution called for appointment by the Mayor of 5 Common Council members, subject to approval of the Common Council, based on the Council member’s membership on specified boards, commissions and committees; and
Whereas, those appointments were made by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council on January 22, 2013, by Legistar No. 28842; and
Whereas, after April 16, some of those members may no longer be on the board, commission or committee justifying the appointment; and
Whereas, efficiency dictates that the members serve out their terms until the Committee makes its report by June 1, 2013; and
Whereas, some of the dates in the resolution need to be modified due to the passage of time.
Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, that resolution RES-12-00816 is amended in the following ways:
(1) By adding the following Resolved clause immediately after the second Resolved clause:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the members so appointed and confirmed shall continue to serve on the Committee thereafter until the Committee completes its work, even if the member is no longer qualified by membership on the related board, commission or committee, unless the member’s term as alder has expired; and
(2) Changing the date for the first meeting of the Committee to May 15, 2013, and changing the date for a report from the Committee to August 6, 2013.
EDITOR’S Note: The Resoluti...
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