Fiscal Note
No appropritaion is required to accept this donation.
Authorizing the Madison Police Department to accept a donation of 600 naloxone auto-injectors for use in heroin overdoses
In 2014, there were 159 opioid overdoses in Madison in which naloxone was administered by the Fire Department. For approximately 60% of those cases, the Madison Police Department arrived on scene first. This does not include opioid-related deaths that were beyond medical assistance.
Currently only Madison Police Department street supervisor sergeants have access to the vial/nasal form of Naloxone, which they used three times from November 2014 through May 2015 to successfully resuscitate heroin users who overdosed.
WHEREAS, the kaléo pharmaceutical company has offered to donate 600 EVZIO pre-filled, single-use, hand-held auto-injectors (a value of more than $5,000); and
WHEREAS, EVZIO (naloxone HCl injection) works by temporarily blocking the effect of an opioid, potentially reversing the life-threatening respiratory depression and allowing the recipient to breathe more regularly; and,
WHEREAS, the auto-injectors are easier to use than the nasal-spray administer naloxone; and
WHEREAS, the donation would allow MPD to place naloxone in the hands of all responding officers; and,
WHEREAS, MPD will train its officer in the administration of the EVZIO auto-injectors; and
WHEREAS, the acceptance of this donation will allow members of the MPD to perform their duties more effectively and save lives.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council approves the acceptance of these items for use by the Madison Police Department.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Madison Police Department will express the appreciation of the Mayor and Common Council to the donor.