Fiscal Note
Budget authority is available in Acct. Nos.:
Street Acct. No. CS53-58250-810571-00-53W1293 $81,158
Sanitary Sewer Acct. No. ES01-58275-810332-00-53W1293 $65,000
Storm Sewer Acct. No. CS53-58270-810571-00-53W1293 $7,000
Storm Sewer Acct. No. ESTM-58270-810381-00-53W1293 $3,000
Water Acct. No. EW01-58273-810455-00-53W1293 $240,000
Traffic Signal Acct. No. CS53-58540-810571-00-53W1293 $22,000
Street Lighting Acct. No. CS53-58545-810571-00-53W1293 $2,500
Federal Share: $1,068,460
City Share: $420,658
Total Cost: $1,489,118
Approving plans and specifications for the proposed improvements and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the improvement of the Mineral Point Road & Midvale Boulevard intersection. (10th & 11th ADs)
The City is proposing to improve the Mineral Point Road and Midvale Boulevard intersection. The intersection will be reconstructed with newly created east and west bound left turn lanes on Mineral Point Road. Sidewalk, Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Storm Sewer, Traffic Signal and Street Lighting improvements will be included as necessary. The City applied for Federal Funding with the Highway Safety Improvement Program and the project received approval for 90% federal funding.
The project will be constructed under a contract let by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and a project Agreement with WisDOT will be required for funding, oversight and construction. The proposed project is planned for construction in the year 2015.
The City of Madison and WisDOT propose to enter into an agreement for construction and cost sharing of the proposed project. The basis for cost sharing participation is as follows:
1) Design Engineering: All design-engineering costs necessitated by the street reconstruction are 90% Federal / 10% Local Funding. Funds for design-engineering are available in the Engineer...
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