Fiscal Note
Resolution ID 02569, adopted by the Madison Common Council on January 17, 2006, authorized initiation of a Preliminary Engineering (PE)/National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) study. City planning staff estimate that the PE/NEPA process will require two years to complete - at an estimated cost of $4 million. Funding sources for the PE/NEPA study are a combination of Federal ($2 million) and State ($2 million) funds.
This resolution authorizes the acceptance of the federal funds, establishes a special revenue fund and a budget for the project, and authorizes Madison Metro to administer the funding.
The Transport 2020 PE/NEPA project represents the next step toward ultimately significant potential impacts on future City capital and operating expenses. The recommendations of the Transport 2020 report provide for the implementation of a regional transportation system over the next 5 to 20 years. The recommended Transport 2020 system includes improvements to local bus services and establishment of new regional bus services, park-and-ride lots, streetcars, and commuter rail services. The report estimates that implementation of the initial Start-Up System (which includes commuter rail and express bus) will require capital expenditures of $242 million. In addition, annual operating costs of the system are estimated to be $40 million (which includes costs of all local transit services). Costs will be borne by a mix of Federal, State and Local dollars. Future extensions of the initial Start-Up System may have additional impacts to City finances.
Planning staff resources will be reallocated to provide support for the Task Force without the need for additional expenditure. Any future expenditures associated with the project will require further Council approval.
Transport 2020 PE/NEPA Document $2 Million $2 Million $4 Million
Authorizing the Madison Metro Tran...
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