Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
Amending Section 28.151 and Section 7.51(2) of the Madison General Ordinances to allow for larger Bed and Breakfast establishments.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: Previously, a bed and breakfast establishment could have no more than four rooms. This amendment increases the maximum room number to eight, creates a maximum guest number of 20, and amends the definition in Chapter 7, MGO, Public Health, to comply with this change.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Section 28.151 entitled “Applicability” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended by amending therein the following:
“Bed and Breakfast Establishment.
(a) A maximum of four eight (8) rooms shall be rented.
(b) The establishment shall have a valid permit current license from the City Health Department Public Health of Madison and Dane County.
(c) The only meal that may be served is breakfast to registered guests.
(d) No establishment within a residential district, except for an establishment located in a landmark site, shall be located within five hundred (500) feet of any other such establishment, measured lot line to lot line.
(e) Fire protection shall be approved by the Fire Department, and may be more restrictive than State requirements.
(f) Length of stay shall not exceed twenty-one (21) consecutive days for each registered guest.
(g) No more than twenty (20) tourists or transients shall be allowed to rent at one time.
(h) The owner shall occupy the residence at the time of rental.”
2. Subsection (2) entitled “Definitions” of Section 7.51 entitled “Hotels, Bed and Breakfast Establishments and Tourist Rooming Houses” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended by amending therein the following:
“Bed and Breakfast Establishments means any place of temporary lodging that provides four (4) eight (8) or fewer rooms for rent to no more ...
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