Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
SUBSTITUTE Amending various sections of the Madison General Ordinances to correct inconsistencies and improper references in the Madison General Ordinances, constituting the 2016 City Attorney Revisor’s Ordinance.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This is the annual City Attorney's Reviser's ordinance, correcting certain parts of the Madison General Ordinances (MGO), the City's code of ordinances.
The proposed changes in this ordinance are as follows:
1. Sec. 3.38(1)(c), MGO, is amended to update statutorily mandated court costs that were increased per statutes in 2013.
2. Sec. 2.39, MGO, is amended to correct an obsolete reference.
3. Sec. 3.53(1)(g), MGO, is amended to revise the title Assistant to the Mayor to Deputy Mayor per RES-15-00771.
4. In accord to change 1, this directive provides the City Attorney authority to update throughout the MGO’s all references to Assistant to the Mayor.
5. Sec. 10.055(4)(a)2., MGO, is amended to update an incorrect reference.
6. Sec. 15.03(1), MGO, is amended to add Ward 137 to the First Aldermanic District which was inadvertently omitted from previous attachment ordinance.
7. Sec. 33.01(7)(c), MGO, is created to reflect current practice.
8. Sec. 38.07(15), MGO, is amended to add a title to Subsection (15).
9. Sec. 33.32(1)(a), MGO, is amended to allow designees of the village administrator or Village Board President of Shorewood Hills to serve as representatives on the Joint West Campus Area Committee.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Subdivision (c) of Subsection (3) entitled “Schedule of Deposits” of Section 1.08 entitled “Issuance of Citations for Violations of Certain Ordinances and Providing a Schedule of Cash Deposits” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
“(c) In addition to the appropriate cash deposit amount as established above,...
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