Reapproving Plans for Wisconsin Energy Institute, Project Number 53B2262, to allow for terrace treatment and pavers in the right of way. Plans and Specifications and authorization to enter into a maintenance agreement previously approved under RES-11-00028, ID No. 20815.
WHEREAS, the Developer, The Board of Regents of the UW System and the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration, has received the City of Madison's conditional approval for a Planned Unit Development to demolish the former UW Health Services to construct Phase I of the Wisconsin Energy Institute; and,
WHEREAS, Section 16.23(9) of the Madison General Ordinances and the conditions of approval require the developer to install the public improvements necessary to serve the PUD; and,
WHEREAS, Plans and Specifications and authorization to enter into a maintenance agreement previously approved under RES-11-00028, ID No. 20815; and,
WHEREAS, the Developer has requested a change to the previously approved plans to install pavers within the public sidewalk.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the revisions to the plans for the public improvements necessary to serve the PUD are hereby approved.
Fiscal Note
Private Contract, No CIty Funds Required.