Fiscal Note
There is no cost associated with this agreement. Becoming a member of the cooperative will allow the City to procure items available to members at competitively established costs. This will allow significant administrative savings to Parks and Purchasing, as staff will not need to conduct a separate bidding process to determine the vendor and pricing for components to be used for the Reindahl Park Spray Park. Becoming a member of the cooperative will also allow for significant time savings related to spray park projects.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a one-year Agreement with perpetual automatic one-year extensions with The National Purchasing Cooperative for the purpose of allowing the City to procure from vendors associated with the Cooperative.
WHEREAS, the 2013 Parks Division Capital Budget includes the Reindahl Park Spray Park project; and,
WHEREAS, Purchasing has worked with Parks staff to identify options to ensure the project moves forward as efficiently as possible; and,
WHEREAS, the City currently participates in several purchasing cooperatives and has benefitted from the discounts and competitive pricing provided by these cooperatives (e.g. playground equipment via U.S. Communities Program); and,
WHEREAS, participating in cooperatives that provide competitively priced goods allows the City to receive competitive pricing with lessened administrative expense and provides pricing for items that require significant technical expertise to bid; and,
WHEREAS, The National Purchasing Cooperative operates BuyBoard, a national procurement service that facilitates compliance with state and local competitive procurement requirements; and,
WHEREAS, the National Purchasing Cooperative requires local governments to sign an Interlocal Participation Agreement to be able to contract with vendors using pricing available from the BuyBoard bidding process, including the splash park components that Parks wishes t...
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