Fiscal Note
This agreement provides for reimbursement by Edgewood College for free fare access by Edgewood College employees and students to Metro Transit for fixed route and ADA paratransit services pursuant to TPC guidelines for Unlimited Ride Pass Agreements. The total amount billable by Metro for all fixed route and paratransit fares under the terms of the agreement shall not exceed $$43,398 for the initial term of the agreement. There would be no net fiscal impact on the City General Fund or the transit utility operating budget.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Edgewood College for the provision of free fare access by its employees and students to Metro Transit fixed route and ADA paratransit services through an Unlimited Ride Pass Agreement, with reimbursement to the transit utility for employee and student trips for the period August 31, 2005 through May 12, 2006.
Metro and Edgewood College have had an Unlimited Ride Pass Agreement in place since 1996. Edgewood College was the first institution to adopt such a program. Contract language has been updated to reflect terms and conditions similar to other Metro Transit Unlimited Ride Pass Programs.
WHEREAS, Edgewood College and Metro Transit have had an exemplary contracting arrangement for an Unlimited Ride Pass Program for Edgewood College Students and Employees since 1996;
WHEREAS, the parties have negotiated an updated Agreement, with opportunity for renewal, which meets all TPC criteria established for Unlimited Ride Pass agreements;
NOW THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to enter into an up-dated agreement with Edgewood College for the purpose of providing an Edgewood College Unlimited Ride Pass Program. In the initial term of the Agreement (August 31, 2005 through May 12, 2006), the maximum not-to-exceed amount is $43,398.