Fiscal Note
The Council approved the reservation of CDBG funds for high priority projects evolving from the Arbor Hills-Leopold Neighborhood Plan as part of the 2011 and 2012 budget. CDBG funds are available per the 2011 and 2012 operating budget and a “carry-over” resolution in November 2012, authorizing these funds for use in 2013.
Approving the provision of $129,446 of CDBG funds for improvement projects in the Arbor Hills and Leopold area neighborhoods as a way to implement a portion of the Arbor Hills-Leopold Neighborhood Plan in a manner that addresses City Community and Neighborhood Development Objectives.
WHEREAS, the Common Council approved the CDBG Committee recommendation to select certain block groups in the Arbor Hills and Leopold area for focus of a Planning Division staffed Concentration Neighborhood Plan in July 2010, and through community and stakeholder input the Project Team has identified a series of higher priority projects for implementation to achieve the draft plan’s objectives,
WHEREAS, the CDBG staff have reviewed these proposals and found them consistent with their Program Goals and Priorities and recommend their adoption in order to promote further progress with the soon-to-be-adopted neighborhood plan,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council approve the provision of the amounts designated below for the particular projects, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into agreements with the indicated agencies (if needed) to implement the approved projects in 2013 and 2014:
Community Action Coalition: up to $10,000 for capital enhancements to the Aldo Leopold Park Community Garden.
City Parks Division: up to $55,000 for the 2014 capital improvement of a park shelter, and related items such as pathways, to encourage additional activities at the Aldo Leopold Park.
City CDBG Office: up to $65,000 for down payment loans to eligible homebuyers to purchase homes in the target area to help stabilizes the...
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