Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the sole source agreement for purchase of water meters and meter equipment. The Water Utility’s adopted 2018 capital budget includes funding within the Water Utility Facility Improvements program for the purchase of water meter equipment (MUNIS 10660). The estimated annual cost of the contract is $500,000 which is funded by Water Utility revenue bonds.
Authorizing Madison Water Utility to use Badger Meter Inc. as a sole source provider of water meters and meter equipment.
WHEREAS, Madison Water Utility has standardized their meters and now uses Badger Meters solely. This allows the Utility staff to work on, replace and repair meters more efficiently and cost effectively; and
WHEREAS, Madison Water Utility has a need to purchase meters throughout the year; and
WHEREAS, Badger Meter Inc. has worked with Madison Water Utility for many years providing these goods and assuring that the equipment is in place and working properly; and
WHEREAS, the Madison Water Utility is a large customer of Badger Meter Inc. and as such, are allowed to buy directly from them without going through a distributor, thereby reducing the cost to Madison Water Utility; and
WHEREAS, for the reasons explained above, Badger Meter Inc. is the only vendor that can provide for the specific needs of Madison Water Utility, without paying a distributor markup;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that that the Common Council hereby authorizes Madison Water Utility to enter into a sole source agreement with Badger Meter Inc. for the purchase of meter equipment on an as-needed basis for the next five years.