Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution approves 2016-2017 Arts Grants awards. The Planning Division's 2016 Adopted Operating Budget appropriates $107,000 for Arts Grants and related expenditures (Munis acct. no. 65112-54815). This resolution authorizes grant awards totaling $95,398.
Seeking Common Council approval of the 2016-2017 Arts Grants awards funding as recommended by the Madison Arts Commission.
WHEREAS, The Madison Arts Commission has the authority, by ordinance, to annually recommend arts grants for approval by the Common Council; and
WHEREAS, By the March 15 application deadline the Madison Arts Commission received 55 applications for arts projects funding, totaling $132,785 in requests, reflecting a need for financial support that the Arts Commission is unable to meet at its current funding level; and
WHEREAS, the Madison Arts Commission met on April 6,7, and 11, 2016 to evaluate the applications received for the 2016-2017 grant period and on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 the full Commission voted to recommend funding of 54 projects for grant awards totaling $95,398.00.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Madison Common Council approves the 2016-2017 grant awards funding recommendations of the Madison Arts Commission and authorizes the Planning Division Director, The Finance Director and the City Attorney to execute the agreements on behalf of the City of Madison to effectuate said grants.