Fiscal Note
The grant will pay for consultants and the overtime wages to backfill for MPD officers who are conducting the training. MPD can absorb overtime benefit costs within its existing fringe benefit budget. The grant does not require a match.
Authorizing the Mayor and Chief of Police to accept a Wisconsin Department of Justice JAG Crisis Intervention Team and Crisis Intervention Partners (CIT/CIP) Training grant for CIT training conducted by Madison Police Department - $11,291
WHEREAS, mental health concerns are a priority for the Madison Police Department and all law enforcement; and
WHEREAS, Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training is a police-based pre-arrest jail diversion program geared for law enforcement officers who work with people who have mental illnesses or developmental disabilities; and
WHEREAS, CIT is founded on principles of dignity, understanding, kindness, and dedication; and
WHEREAS, CIT creates a seamless link between police and emergency mental health services; and,
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Justice has awarded the Department a CIT training grant of $11,291 to partially fund a five-day CIT training at the MPD Training Center led by MPD Mental Health Unit officers and National Alliance on Mental Illness Dane County (NAMI) trainers; and
WHEREAS, MPD and other law enforcement personnel will receive the training; and
WHEREAS, other funding for the CIT training is participant registration fees and budgeted MPD personnel costs associated with planning and holding the training.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Chief of Police are authorized to accept the CIT training grant of $11,291 from the Wisconsin Department of Justice Training & Standards Bureau.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these funds be used for personnel and consultant costs to conduct the five-day CIT training.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Finance Department and the Police Department are authorized to establish and/or maintain ...
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