Fiscal Note
In the adopted 2016 capital budget, Engineering Major Streets has budgeted $4.02 million for the Rural to Urban Streets capital program (MUNIS 10204) to provide for reconstructing streets with substandard pavement to City standards. The Pleasant View Rd Signal project (MUNIS 11301) is established with sufficient funding for the amount in the proposed resolution. Funding comes from GO Borrowing and other municipal funds from the City of Middleton.
The proposed resolution approves plan documents for the project estimated cost of $363,015. This amount is split amongst the associated agencies as follows:
Enineering Major Streets $317,655
Stormwater $34,560
Sewer $10,800
Total $363,015
Street Acct 11301-402-170 $189,800
Street-Storm Acct 11301-402-174 $30,240
Storm Acct 11301-84-174 $34,560
Sanitary Acct 11301-83-173 $10,800
Traffic Signal Acct 11301-402-176 $97,615
Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Pleasant View Road and Blackhawk Road Intersection Improvement-2016 and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a Cost Sharing Agreement with the City of Middleton.
1) That the plans and specifications for Pleasant View Road and Blackhawk Road Intersection Improvement-2016, for installation of turn lanes and traffic signals be and are hereby approved.
2) That the Board of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to advertise and receive bids for said project.
3) That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and grant easements or right-of-way release or procurement documents, maintenance agreements or encroachment agreements, as necessary and grant or accept dedication of lands and/or easements from/to the Developer/Owner for public im...
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