Fiscal Note
No significant fiscal impact is anticipated.
Amending Sec. 23.05(1), Sec. 23.05(3)(a) and creating Sec. 23.05(4)(e) of the Madison General Ordinances to include vehicular entrances to City parking ramps and prohibiting smoking in all stairwells of City parking ramps and within 10 feet of the entrance to a City parking ramp.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. Subsection (1) entitled “Definitions” of Section 23.05 entitled “Smoking Prohibited in Certain Areas” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended by amending therein the following:
“Entrance” means a doorway, access area for vehicles and adjacent area which gives direct access to a building or City parking ramps from a contiguous street, plaza, sidewalk or parking lot.”
2. Subdivision (a) of Subsection (3) entitled “Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places” of Section 23.05 entitled “Smoking Prohibited in Certain Areas” of the Madison General Ordinances is amended to read as follows:
“(a) Elevators and enclosed stairwells of City parking ramps.”
3. Subdivision (e) of Subsection (4) entitled “Prohibition of Smoking in Outdoor Areas” of...
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