Madison, WI Header
File #: 86993    Version: 1 Name: 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road Rezoning
Type: Ordinance Status: Public Hearing
File created: 2/4/2025 In control: PLAN COMMISSION
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Creating Section 28.022-00707 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road from Temp. A (Temporary Agricultural) District to A (Agricultural) District and creating Section 28.022-00708 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road from Temp. A (Temporary Agricultural) District to TR-P (Traditional Residential-Planned) District. (District 17)
Sponsors: Planning Division
Attachments: 1. 6303 Portage Road.pdf
Fiscal Note
No City appropriation required.
Creating Section 28.022-00707 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road from Temp. A (Temporary Agricultural) District to A (Agricultural) District and creating Section 28.022-00708 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road from Temp. A (Temporary Agricultural) District to TR-P (Traditional Residential-Planned) District. (District 17)
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance amendment rezones property located at 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road from Temp. A (Temporary Agricultural) District to A (Agricultural) District and TR-P (Traditional Residential-Planned) District for the preliminary plat of LEO Living.

The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:

1. Map Amendment 00707 of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:

“28.022-00707. The following described property is hereby rezoned to A (Agricultural) District.

Being a part of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 15, Township 8 North, Range 10 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, described as follows:

Commencing at the Northwest corner of said NW 1/4 of Section 15; thence S01°16'50"W along the West line of said NW 1/4, 2021.89 feet; thence N88°59'48"E, 1976.58 feet; thence N01°15'32"E, 1055.43 feet to the Point of Beginning;

Thence S88°43'47"W, 660.09 feet; thence N01°19'49"E, 855.70 feet; thence N88°43'47"E, 100.00 feet; thence N01°19'49"E, 220.00 feet to the North line of said NW 1/4; thence N88°43'47"E along said North line, 393.75 feet; thence S01°15'32"W, 792.00 feet; thence N88°43'47"E, 165.00 feet; thence S01°15'32"W, 283.64 feet to the Point of Beginning.

Said described area contains 12.77 acres of land, mor...

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