Fiscal Note
No expenditure required.
Amending RES-11-00736 (Legislative File ID # 22958), authorizing the execution of agreements and associated easements with Madison Gas and Electric Company relating to the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of electric vehicle charging stations on City property.
WHEREAS, on August 2, 2011 the Common Council passed RES-11-00736 (Legislative File ID # 22958), authorizing the execution of agreements and associated easements with Madison Gas and Electric Company relating to the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of electric vehicle charging stations on City property; and,
WHEREAS, the actual locations of the charging stations and the associated easements and/or distribution facilities covered by the agreements were to be generally depicted on Exhibit B to the resolution; and
WHEREAS, Exhibit B to the resolution was not attached to the resolution and broader authorizing language is necessary to enable site specific agreements to be drafted.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that RES-11-00736 (Legislative File ID # 22958) is hereby amended by the inclusion of the attached Exhibit B, and by replacing the final clause as follows:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the actual locations of the Charging Stations and any associated easements, repeaters, or distribution facilities serving the Charging Stations shall be as generally depicted on Exhibit B, subject to the final negotiation of site specific details, as necessary, by the City Attorney and the Office of Real Estate Services.