Commending, honoring and expressing appreciation to Terry Jensen for his nearly 33 years of service to the City of Madison in the Data Processing, Information Services and Information Technology Department.
Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
WHEREAS, Terry Jensen is retiring on May 2, 2008 after nearly 33 years of dedicated service to the City of Madison; and
WHEREAS, Terry began work as Computer Operator 3 on August 11, 1975 and has progressed through the ranks to his current position as MIS 4; and
WHEREAS, he has held leadership roles as a Senior Computer Programmer, and for the past 13 years as the Team Leader of the Network Communications Team, and through his vision and hard work has facilitated the growth of the City of Madison communications network from the "tin can and a string" technology in place in 1975 to the sophisticated IP Fiber and Wireless network we enjoy today; and
WHEREAS, under Terry's leadership the "wiring of the City" took place that today includes a single communications network that contains over 1800 network access points at approximately 80 locations; and
WHEREAS, throughout his many years of service, Terry's sense of duty and responsibility, good nature, and dry humor have earned the respect of all those he worked with;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Common Council express their appreciation for the dedication and service of Terry Jensen for 32 years; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Common Council wish him a productive and well deserved retirement.