Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution terminates the declaration of the public works emergency at Monona Terrace. Final costs of the Monona Terrace storm sewer emergency repair was $342,388 which is funded in combination with the authorized $275,000 funding for the emargency adopted in resolution #47762 and existing budget authority within the Stormwater Utility's capital budget from the Waterways program.
11526-84-174 $67,388.02
11723-84-174 $275,000.00
Termination of the Declaration Public Works Emergency per Section 62.15(1b) of the Wisconsin Statues Proclaiming an Emergency for the immediate repair of the storm sewer at Monona Terrace.
WHEREAS, a Public Emergency per Wisconsin Statute Section 62.15(1b) of the Wisconsin Statutes was declared on June 28, 2017. (File # 47762) to repair the failure of storm sewer pipe at Monona Terrace; and,
WHEREAS, the storm sewer has been rerouted by Speedway Sand & Gravel, Inc., sidewalk and additional repairs made by Ray Cattell Inc, restoration by David J. Frank Landscape Contracting Inc., and work throughout the length of the project by City Engineering Operations; and,
WHEREAS, the estimated total cost of the contracted repairs was $275,000.00 and a budget amendment was approved for that amount; and,
WHEREAS, the final costs were $342,388.02. The difference between the estimated cost and the final cost will be covered with by the Stormwater Utility with Project # 10556 Stormwater Improvements on Streets
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOVLED, that the Public Works Emergency is hereby declared resolved and is closed, and the work is accepted as completed; and
BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED, that the Contractors, Speedway Sand and Gravel Inc., Ray Cattell Inc., and David J. Frank Landscape Contracting Inc. be paid in full for their work; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Public Works Emergency declared on June 28, 2017 is hereby terminated.