Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
Adopting Certain Administrative Procedure Memoranda as Rules of Conduct for Alderpersons.
Whereas, the Common Council desires to adopt certain rules of conduct for Alderpersons; and
Whereas, certain Mayoral Administrative Procedure Memoranda (APM), applicable to City employees, are appropriate to adopt as rules of conduct applicable to Alderpersons;
Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the following APMs shall apply as rules of conduct for Alderpersons:
APM 2-25 (Workplace Violence)
APM 2-33 (Rules of Conduct)
APM 2-41 (Nepotism)
APM 3-5 (Harassment and Discrimination)
APM 3-9 (Appropriate Use of City Computers)
Be it further resolved, that in interpreting the APM, Alderpersons shall have the duties and obligations of City employees.