Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution is the first in what is intended to be a series of budget amendment resolutions resulting from COVID-19. This resolution funds additional election costs ($350k) that were incurred as part of the spring election along with Citywide purchasing of supplies and protective gear ($335k). As proposed, both items will be funded by transferring $685,000 from the 2020 Contingent Reserve.
Clerk’s Office Election Costs: The total supply budget for the Clerk’s Office is $174k, estimated supply costs from the April 2020 election were $235,000 due to increased absentee voting associated with COVID-19. The proposed resolution would increase the Supplies budget to support costs that the Clerk’s Office has incurred for elections to date as well as anticipated costs for the August and November elections. Note: The budget transfer would accommodate increased Supplies costs associated with ongoing increases in absentee voting, but does not assume any changes to the format for administering elections (such conducting the election by mail).
Citywide Supply Purchasing: As part of COVID-19 response, the City has purchasing supplies and protective gear centrally to be distributed to agencies to maintain a centralized inventory. At this time, further costs for the citywide inventory are not known. Should an additional appropriation be required, a subsequent resolution may be brought forward. This cost does not include all purchasing associated with COVID-19 as some City agencies are also purchasing supplies related to the pandemic, most notably Police ($150,000 anticipated) and Fire ($100,000 anticipated). An amendment for these costs will be brought forward in the future.
Transferring budget authority from the budgeted Contingent Reserve, rather than General Fund balance, will not affect the limits under Expenditure Restraint Program. If adopted, the remaining balance of the Contingent Reserve will be $1,015,000.
SUBSTITUTE-Amending the 202...
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