Fiscal Note
The 2011 costs are dependent on the hire date and starting salary of the person hired; $40,000 for salary ($57,000 including benefits) has been included for this position in the CDA Housing Operations 2011 Adopted Operating Budget.
Classifying the proposed position of "Assistant Mgr." as a Program Assistant 2 (CG17-12) within the CDA Housing Operations Budget.
Whereas, the Mayor's Executive Budget for 2011 includes a position tentatively titled "Assistant Mgr." in the CDA Housing Operations budget, and
Whereas, the Assistant Mgr. position was not assigned to a salary range, necessitating a study of the position's appropriate classification and range,
Now be it resolved, that the position tentatively titled Assistant Mgr. be appropriately classified as a Program Assistant 2 in Compensation Group 17, Range 12, in the permanent salary detail of the CDA Housing Operations budget thereof.