Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note:
Total Cost: $12,220,000
Federal Share: $6,080,000
Local Share: $6,140,000
Design Funds are available in Acct. No. 10246-402-170 $60,000
Construction funds will be required in a future Capitol Budget.
Construction is planned in 2017. Funding is included in the 2015-2020 Capital Improvement Program, Project #29, Engineering-Major Streets
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the improvement of County Trunk Highway PD (CTH PD/McKee Rd - Meriter Way to Maple Grove Rd) and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with City of Verona and Dane County for cost sharing on the project. (7th AD)
The City is proposing to reconstruct County Trunk Highway PD (CTH PD/McKee Rd from Meriter Way to Maple Grove Rd in 2017. The City applied for Federal Funds in the Surface Transportation Program Fund and the project received approval for 50% Federal funding of Construction.
The City of Madison, City of Verona and Dane County are all participating in the design and shall cost share the design engineering contract.
The project will be constructed under a contract let by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and a project Agreement with WisDOT will be required for funding, oversight and construction. The proposed project is planned for construction in the year 2017.
The City of Madison and WisDOT propose to enter into a agreement for construction and cost sharing of the proposed project. The basis for cost sharing participation is as follows:
1) Design Engineering: All design-engineering costs necessitated by the street reconstruction are 100% Local Funding.
2) Local Utilities: The City shall pay for 100% of the cost of installing or adjusting new water and sanitary sewer mains. The City assumes full responsibility for the design, installation, ...
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