Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
Amending Substitute Resolution RES-15-00436, File No. 37360, adopted on 05-19-2015 to authorize the selection of a portion of Census Tract 20 as the focus for a concentration neighborhood planning process and the creation of an Ad Hoc Steering Committee.
On May 5, 2015, the Common Council adopted Enactment No. RES-15-00436, File ID No. 37360 that authorized the selection of a portion of Census Tract 20 as the focus for a concentration neighborhood planning process and the creation of an Ad Hoc Steering Committee. This resolution will eliminate the appointment of the Ad Hoc Steering Committee and clarify the work project of the Planning Division.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Enactment No. RES-15-00436 is amended:
1. To eliminate the establishment of the Ad Hoc Steering Committee. A City-facilitated planning process will be utilized to solicit input from all segments of the population, especially traditionally under-represented groups;
2. To clarify that the Planning Division will solicit input from residents, the business community, and other major stakeholders on future land use concepts and identify concerns and opportunities raised by the community by employing various public engagement strategies and working with existing community organizations to ensure diverse representation in the preparation of the mid-range neighborhood plan; and
3. To clarify that the neighborhood plan will address future land use as well as key issues in areas such as community facilities, economic development, historic resources, housing, parks and open space, transportation, and utilities and include future land use concepts and plan recommendations for the planning area and the commercial areas within and abutting the area to ensure future improvements in the area are well-planned, coordinated, and complement the character of the neighborhoods.
All other items and conditions of No. RES-15-00436, File ID No. 37360 shall remain...
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