Fiscal Note
As stated in the Employment Agreement between the City of Madison and Stephen Dongarra, the Monona Terrace Sales Manager salary will be based on an annualized rate of $83,668. Additionally, the Sales Manager will be eligible for incentive pay in each quarter up to 15% of the quarterly base salary. The position will be funded from Monona Terrace’s operating budget and no additional appropriation is required.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Employment Agreement between the City of Madison and Stephen Dongarra, Monona Terrace Sales Manager. (District 4)
WHEREAS, the City of Madison through its Monona Terrace Sales / Marketing / Events Manager and Mr. Dongarra have successfully negotiated a mutually agreeable Employment Agreement for Mr. Dongarra as Monona Terrace Sales Manager, such agreement to take effect upon execution and to be terminable at will by either party.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute the Agreement described herein on behalf of the City of Madison.