Fiscal Note
In the adopted 2016 capital budget the Water Utility has budgeted $320,000 for the Zone 4 Fire Flow Supply Augment (MUNIS 10434) to construct Unit Well 31. There is sufficient budget authority within the project for the costs associated with the agreement. Funding is provided by revenue bonds.
The proposed resolution approves the professional services agreement at an estimated cost of $200,340.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Short Elliot Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH, Inc.) for professional construction administration, engineering and oversight services during the construction phase of the proposed Unit Well 31 facility, 4901 Tradewinds Parkway.
WHEREAS, The Madison Water Utility Master Plan identified a fire flow capacity deficiency and a lack of supply redundancy in the southern part of Pressure Zone 4. An analysis of this situation resulted in a recommendation to install a second well in Zone 4 to provide additional capacity, redundancy, reliability and fire protection capacity; and
WHEREAS, Madison Water Utility has identified this need and this project in its Water Master Plan and has budgeted for this work in the 2016 Capital Budget with construction planned for 2017-2018, with the facility expected to be fully operational in mid-2018; and
WHEREAS, Madison Water Utility has advertised for, received, and evaluated professional engineering consultant proposals for the work, and based on the recommendation of this process, the Water Utility Board has selected Short Elliot Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH, Inc.) for this work;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to execute a Professional Services Agreement not to exceed $200,340.00 with Short Elliot Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH, Inc.)_ for professional construction administration and engineering services during the construction of Unit Well 31 facility at 4901 Tradewinds Parkway....
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