Fiscal Note
Est. cost $2,533.98. Funds are available in Capital Account Number CE57-58545-810412 and will be recovered through special assessments.
Approving plans, specifications and schedule of assessments for street lights - Verona Road Frontage Road (10th Ald. District).
The Board of Public Works and City Traffic Engineer having reported on all the proceedings in relation to the installation of Street Lights on Verona Road Frontage Road in accordance with section 66.0701 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Section 10.39 of the Madison General Ordinances and having in all things duly conformed to the order of the Common Council in relation thereto, and the provisions of the Madison General Ordinances and the Wisconsin Statutes in such case made and provided, and the Common Council being fully advised.
1. That the City at large is justly chargeable with and shall pay the sum of $ -0- of the entire cost of the said improvement, and that the sum assigned to each separate parcel, as indicated on the attached schedule of assessment, is hereby assessed upon each parcel.
2. That the Common Council determines such special assessment to be reasonable.
3. That the work or improvement shall be carried out in accordance with the Report of the Board of Public Works and The Report of the City Traffic Engineer as finally approved.
4. That such work or improvement represents an exercise of the police power of the City of Madison.
5. That after the street lights are installed, the City Traffic Engineer will prepare a revised assessment and bill the revised amount to each property owner. The property owner may elect to pay the assessment prior to October 31, 2006, or pay the assessment when the property tax bill becomes due.
Pursuant to Sec. 66.0701, Wisconsin Statutes, and Section 10.39, Madison General Ordinances, any
person against whose land a special assessment has been levied by this resolut...
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