Fiscal Note
The planning process will be accomplished with resources currently included in the CDBG 2008 adopted operating budget, which provides $40,000 in Federal CDBG funds for staffing support. This resolution does not commit any funds for implementation at this time, although traditionally the CDBG program has committed approximately 5% of its estimated annual entitlement funds for implementation of higher priority eligible projects.
Recommending the addition of two adjacent sub-areas to census tracts 23.01 and 24.02 as part of the focus for a Northport / Warner concentration neighborhood planning process.
WHEREAS, the CDBG Commission and the Common Council have adopted a Five-Year Community and Neighborhood Development plan and an annual action plan that establishes a framework for the development of such as neighborhood plan:
WHEREAS, the alders of the two census tracts supportive of such an addition, and have identified some opportunities that would benefit from steering committee discussion of some issues and strategies:
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Common Council adopt the recommendations of the CDBG Commission, the CD Office, and the Planning Unit to add the Oak Park Terrace sub-area and the the area bounded by Northport, Sherman, Windom Way, and Dryden Drive to the previously approved census tracts 23.01 and 24.02 as the next area for concentration neighborhood planning.
Note: The Proposal describing the proposed plan and its likely impacts and the CD Staff and CDBG Commission recommendation are available on file in the Council Office and in the CD Office.