Fiscal Note
This resolution accepts $25,000.00 in grant funding from Dane County and $10,000.00 in grant funding from MMSD to complete a low dose aluminum coagulant pilot project, budgeted within Stormwater Quality System Improvements capital program. A separate resolution will be submitted in 2019 to amend the Stormwater Utility Capital Budget.
Authorizing the City of Madison, through the City Engineer, to accept Dane County Urban Water Quality grant awards and Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District grants totaling $35,000.00 for a pilot project studying ultra-low dose aluminum base coagulate treatment of detention basins. (11th & 9th ADs)
WHEREAS, City Engineering has applied for and received a Dane County Urban Water Quality grant for up to $25,000.00 through a fifty percent match; and
WHEREAS, City Engineering has applied for and received a Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) Water Quality grant for up to $10,000.00 through a fifty percent match; and
WHEREAS, City Engineering would like to proceed with this project;
1) That the City of Madison, through City Engineering, is authorized to accept the grant from Dane County.
2) That the City of Madison, through City Engineering, is authorized to accept the grant from MMSD.
3) Be it further resolved that the City of Madison, through the City Engineer, is authorized to sign and submit the following: grant agreement, reimbursement claims, interim and final reports, and additional forms as required