Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the 2017 capital budget by transferring $30,000 from the Relocate Pinney Neighborhood Library project (Munis 10002) to the Library Major Repairs/Replacements project (Muni 17075). The resolution is the result of higher than anticipated costs associated with the roof repair at the Alicia Ashman Library.
Amending the 2017 Library Capital Budget and Awarding Public Works Contract No. 7884, Alicia Ashman Library Roof Replacement.
WHEREAS, the major roof replacement to the Alicia Ashman Library has received two bids; and
WHEREAS, the lowest bid from Maly Roofing exceeds the estimated cost of $80,000 by almost $30,000 to total $108,785; and
WHERAS, the Library has experienced widespread leaks into the facility, and the City of Madison Engineering Department recommends award; and
WHEREAS, the Library can cover the additional cost through a $30,000 transfer from the Pinney Library Relocation Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Library Capital Budget is hereby amended to transfer $30,000 from the Pinney Library Relocation Project (MUNIS # 10002) to the 2017 Major Repairs and Replacement Program (MUNIS # 17075) to offset the increased price of the bid; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, in the third fiscal quarter of 2017, at the completion of the Badger Road/Library Service and Support Center Project (MUNIS # 10001), any available funds remaining from that project will be made available to restore the $30,000 back to the Pinney Library Relocation Project; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following low bids for miscellaneous improvements be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be and are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with the low bidders contained herein, subject to the Contractor's compliance with Section 39.02 of the Madison General Ordinances concerning compliance with the Affirmative Action provisions and subject to the Contractor's compliance with Section 33.0...
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