Fiscal Note
Federal HOME funds were included in the 2006 CDBG budget and are available for expenditure in 2006.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute Contract for Purchase of Services between the City and General Engineering Company, Inc. for HOME-assisted Rental Unit Inspection Services.
WHEREAS, the Federal Regulations pertaining to the HOME Program at 24 CFR Part 92.504 (d) require that during the Period of Affordability for rental units, the City perform onsite inspections of HOME-assisted rental units to determine compliance with property standards, and
WHEREAS, the City CD Office has assisted over 200 rental units with HOME funds which are in need of ongoing inspection services, and
WHEREAS, the City Purchasing Unit issued a Request for Proposals in February of 2006 to obtain bids for the purchase of these inspection services; and
WHEREAS, after review of the bids submitted, the CD Staff recommends hiring General Engineering Company, Inc. and entering into a Purchase of Services Contract for the provision of the inspection services, and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a Contract for Purchase of Services between the City and General Engineering Company, Inc. for up to $49,000 for the inspection services for up to 200 HOME-assisted rental units in 2006.