Fiscal Note
Funds are available in the Madison Police Department 2011 Capital Budget.
Fund No. CB71-58401-810642 Funds Are Available in 2011 Budget - Agency Description “Police Training Facility”
Total Fund amount $2,800,000
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Action Target Inc. to provide range equipment, materials, and services for the Phase 1 Shooting Range addition for the Madison Police Department Training Center, located at 5702 Femrite Drive, Project No. 53W1009, Contract No. 6627.
WHEREAS the 2011 Capital Budget includes an amount of $2,800,000 for the Phase 1 remodeling of the Madison Police Department Training Center and the construction of the new shooting range addition to be located at 5702 Femrite Drive; and,
WHEREAS the budgeted amount includes the purchase of associated range equipment, materials, and services required to operate an indoor shooting range; and,
WHEREAS members of the Design Team Staff including members from the Madison Police Department, Facilities Management, and Angus Young Associates, Inc. (consulting architectural and engineering services firm) have reviewed product information for more than five (5) different range equipment manufacturers; and,
WHEREAS members of the Madison Police Department and Angus Young Associates wrote a “Live Fire Tactical Training Range, Range Equipment and Services Scope” on October 28, 2010 to accurately define the Madison Police Departments needs for range performance and functionality; and,
WHEREAS members of the Design Team Staff applied the above mentioned services scope to narrow the range manufacturer list and conducted informational interviews with sales representatives from three (3) range equipment manufacturers; and,
WHEREAS members of the Madison Police Department and Angus Young Associates have personally visited existing ranges and interviewed owners/operators of the three (3) range manufacturers interviewed; and,
WHEREAS members of t...
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