Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Wisconsin and Southern Railroad (WSOR) to share the cost of crossing materials for Railroad Crossing Repairs 2011.
Wisconsin and Southern Railroad will be replacing several crossings in the City of Madison which will include: Brearly Street, Paterson Street and the Commercial Avenue Service Road. The City requested the railroad use a crossing material other than the standard tie crossings which typically only last 5-7 years. The Railroad agreed to use a railguard flangeway which will improve the crossings flangeway gaps abutting the rail and the road. This material will extend the life of the crossing and improve safety. Wisconsin and Southern Railroad and the City of Madison will each be responsible for fifty percent of the cost for each crossings railguard material.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Wisconsin and Southern Railroad for cost sharing associated with the Railroad Crossing Repairs 2011.
Fiscal Note
Estimated total cost: $40,000
City of Madison Share: $20,000
Wisconsin and Southern Share: $20,000
Budget authority is available in Account No.
CS53-54472-810357-00-53W1314 - $20,000 - "Railroad Crossing Upgrade"