Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the Maintenance of the West Towne Bicycle/Pedestrian Path within the right-of-way of USH 12. (9th & 19th ADs)
The City and State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation (WisDOT), have agreed to the development of the West Towne bicycle & pedestrian path from Whitney Way to South Junction Rd.
The proposed limits of the path are as follows:
Segment 1 - path along the west side of High Point Road from the south end of the High Point Road structure to approximately 250 feet south of D’Onofrio Drive, with a 550 foot long loop ramp and path down to the West Beltline shoulder elevation along the north right-of-way of the West Beltline, constructed as part of WisDOT project ID 5300-02-73, High Point Structure and Approaches;
Segment 2 - path along the north right-of-way of the West Beltline from the High Point Road bridge to the existing bicycle underpass at Grand Canyon Drive, anticipated to be built by the City in 2020;
Segment 3 - Existing path along the north right-of-way of the West Beltline from the Grand Canyon Drive underpass to Whitney Way, built by the City.
The path will exist in both City of Madison and State of Wisconsin Right-of-Ways. The State shall permit the path where it exists in State of Wisconsin Right-Of-Way. The City shall maintain the entire path, marking, signing & lighting at its own expense.
Authorization of construction of the path segments are under separate resolution.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the Maintenance of the West Towne Bicycle/Pedestrian Path within the right-of-way of USH 12.