Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact associated with the adoption of the plan. Implementing recommendations within the plan may require the inclusion of expenditures in future capital and operating budgets, subject to Common Council approval at that time.
Adopting the 2012-2017 Park and Open Space Plan as a Supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan.
WHEREAS in 2010 the City embarked on a process to create a new plan for the future of Madison's park and open space; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison Park and Open Space Plan describes the desired vision for the future of park and open space and provides recommendations to guide land use and investment decisions over time to ensure that the vision for Park and Open Space is achieved; and
WHEREAS having an adopted Park and Open Space Plan updated at least every five years is a requirement of grant programs at the Local, State, and Federal levels; and
WHEREAS the process to prepare the new plan included an extensive participation process which started with the review of the 2005 Park and Open Space Plan as well as recommendations for park and open space contained in the City’s 2006 Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS the planning process included a series of public input meetings, park user survey instruments, the development and evaluation of general approaches to address issues and opportunities, the identification and refinement of preliminary concepts, and a series of public meetings at the Long Range Planning Subcommittee; and
WHEREAS since the draft recommendations were released, staff have continued to meet with policy makers, City agencies and the general public to receive comments and to finalize the recommendations included in the 2012-2017 Park and Open Space Plan; and
WHEREAS the Long Range Planning Subcommittee recommended adoption of the 2012-2017 Park and Open Space Plan including draft recommendations to the Board of Park Commissioners on January 23, 2012; and
WHEREAS the Bo...
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