Madison, WI Header
File #: 86835    Version: 1 Name: Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a first amendment to the existing Three Party Design Engineering Services Contract between the City of Madison, Toole Design Group, LLC, and the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Safe R
Type: Resolution Status: Report of Officer
File created: 1/22/2025 In control: Traffic Engineering Division
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a first amendment to the existing Three Party Design Engineering Services Contract between the City of Madison, Toole Design Group, LLC, and the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Safe Routes to School Planning (Project Agreement 1009-22-14) authorized for funding through the Wisconsin DOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP).
Sponsors: Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford, Amani Latimer Burris, Derek Field, Yannette Figueroa Cole
Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a first amendment to the existing contract #1009-22-14 for Safe Routes to School Planning for an additional $236,976. The original contract was approved via RES-24-00447 on July 2, 2024 (Legistar #83921). The original contract with this first amendment totals $386,895. Funding for the Safe Routes to School Planning is 80% federal funding and 20% local funding. The local funding is available within existing appropriations in Traffic Engineering’s Traffic Safety Infrastructure capital program, and the federal funds were added to the 2024 Traffic Engineering Capital Budget via RES-22-00474 on July 16, 2024 (Legistar File# 84277). No additional appropriation is required.
Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a first amendment to the existing Three Party Design Engineering Services Contract between the City of Madison, Toole Design Group, LLC, and the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Safe Routes to School Planning (Project Agreement 1009-22-14) authorized for funding through the Wisconsin DOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP).
The City of Madison endeavors to provide its citizens of all ages and abilities with a robust, sustainable, multi-modal transportation system, including a major emphasis on safety, walking and biking. The City is committed to ensuring the safety of children especially as they travel to school and encouraging more families to choose walking and biking as a healthy transportation option.

WHEREAS, Traffic Engineering received Federal funds under the WisDOT FFY 2024 Redistribution Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and approved the amended State/Municipal Agreement and the 2024 Adopted Capital Budget amendment by resolution RES-22-00474, File ID 84277, on 07/19/2024 by the Common Council, and;

WHEREAS, the scope of services for the consultant will include engagement with youth and underrepresented communities, student school tr...

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