Fiscal Note
This resolution authorizes a three (3) year agreement with the possibility of two (2) one-year renewals with Madison Ultimate Frisbee League (MUFA) at various City Parks locations. The agreement sets forth the terms and conditions upon which the City will allow MUFA priority usage of certain athletic fields in City Parks for MUFA’s ultimate leagues on a non-exclusive basis. In addition, this agreement will continue the use of a segregated non-reverting fund and a fee structure that supports the shared goals of supporting the volume use of the City’s park space and providing quality maintenance of the City’s athletic fields.
Over the potential five-year term of this agreement, it is anticipated that the MUFA will pay the City approximately $445,000. Approximately $259,000 of this amount is for field use and reservation charges. Of the estimated $259,000, 80% of the amount will be credited to the Park Use Charges in the General Fund Revenues portion of the Operating Budget. The remaining 20% will be credited to the Parks Division’s Operating Budget to offset extraordinary scheduling, planning and reservation work created under this agreement. The remaining $185,000 is the estimated value of a per player surcharge to be remitted by MUFA to the City for the maintenance, restoration, and improvement of specified fields. The segregated non-reverting fund will be appropriated through the Parks Division’s Budget.
Authorizing the City to execute an operating agreement with The Madison Ultimate Frisbee League use of certain athletic fields in City parks as set forth in the Agreement for MUFA’s ultimate leagues, and continue contributions to established segregated non-reverting fund and a fee structure that supports the shared goals of supporting the volume use of the City’s park space and providing quality maintenance of the City’s athletic fields for the years of 2021-2025.
WHEREAS, MUFA is a non-profit entity that was created in 1993 and is ...
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