Fiscal Note
No additional City appropriation required.
Authorizing the $5,000.00 Neighborhood Grant awarded in 2019 to Arbor Hills Neighborhood Association by Resolution No. 55062, enacted on April 16, 2019, be transferred to the Bay Creek Neighborhood Association
WHEREAS the Neighborhood Grant Program provides funds to neighborhood associations, business associations, and other neighborhood-based organizations for activities that promote strong neighborhoods, and includes grants for Community Enhancement projects and Neighborhood Leadership and Capacity-Building activities; and
WHEREAS on April 16, 2019, the Common Council awarded grants to 6 different neighborhood groups totaling $26,130.00 by Resolution No. 55062, including a $5,000.00 grant to Arbor Hills Neighborhood Association to fund six capacity building trainings (grant proposal attached herein); and
WHEREAS the Arbor Hills Neighborhood Association has requested that its $5,000.00 grant be transferred to their collaborator on the project, Bay Creek Neighborhood Association; and
WHEREAS the Arbor Hills Neighborhood Association will work closely with the Bay Creek Neighborhood Association to lead and manage the $5,000.00 grant project, including the six capacity-building trainings, covering topics such as: building effective neighborhood associations; holding effective meetings; breaking down barriers to participation; building effective relationships and achieving financial solvency.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby approves the transfer of the $5,000.00 Neighborhood Grant awarded to Arbor Hills Neighborhood Association to Bay Creek Neighborhood Association and authorizes the Planning Division Director, The Finance Director and the City Attorney to execute the agreement on behalf of the City.