Fiscal Note
Total funding for this project is approximately $120,000, with the City local match share of $3,973 currently budgeted in the Plan Unit 2006 Adopted Operating Budget. The remaining funding of $116,000 will come from non-City sources: $56,000 from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Milwaukee District 2 Office; $32,000 from WisDOT's Jobs Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Program; $3,000 from UW-Madison; and $25,000 from Dane County. This Resolution will amend the 2006 Plan Unit Adopted Budget to provide both additional expenditure authority of $116,000 and to recognize offsetting revenues from the other partners. There is no net effect on the City subisidy or on the City tax levy.
SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing an amendment to the Planning Unit 2006 Adopted Operating Budget to increase expenditures and offsetting revenues by $116,000 to receive grant funding for the recently approved Internet Rideshare Project.
WHEREAS, the Madison Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is the designated transportation-planning organization for the Madison urbanized area; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison is the administrative agent of the MPO and is authorized in accord with Resolution MPO No. 31 and City Resolution 60636 approved in 2003 to apply for grants and enter into agreements on behalf of the MPO related to the interactive Internet ride-matching project; and
WHEREAS, the MPO, through its Rideshare, Etc. Program, has developed and maintained ride-matching services on a local area network (LAN) currently comprised of the Madison Area MPO, the State Department of Administration, and Madison Metro, the transit system; and
WHEREAS, WisDOT, through its Southeast Wisconsin Rideshare Program has developed and implemented a rideshare, ride-matching program; and
WHEREAS, the MPO and WisDOT desires to upgrade its ride-matching services to provide Internet ride-matching services and host the services; and
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