Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
Creating Section 28.022 - 00151 and Section 28.022 - 00152 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property generally addressed as 702 South High Point Road, 9th Aldermanic District, from A (Agricultural) and SR-C1 (Suburban Residential - Consistent 1) Districts to PD(GDP and SIP) (Planned Development (General Development Plan and Specific Implementation Plan) District to rezone Bishop O’Connor Catholic Center to include market-rate apartments, a catering business, institutional uses, outdoor recreation and a place of worship.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance changes the zoning at property located at 702 High Point Road to rezone Bishop O’Connor Catholic Center to include market-rate apartments, a catering business, institutional uses, outdoor recreation and a place of worship from A (Agricultural) District to PD(GDP and SIP) (Planned Development (General Development Plan and Specific Implementation Plan) District).
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. WHEREAS, a Planned Development District General Development Plan has been duly filed for approval of the Madison Common Council and is hereby made an integral component of the zoning district regulations.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Madison do ordain as follows:
Map Amendment 00151 of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:
28.022-00151. A Planned Development District General Development Plan is hereby approved and changes the zoning from A (Agricultural) District for the following described property:
All of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Ganser Heights, a subdivision in the City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, and all of Lot 4 of Ganser Heights EXCEPT the following described property:
Beginning at the West quarter corner of said Section 26; the...
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