Fiscal Note
Est cost: $18,500 Funds available in Account No. CB53-55310-810672
Authorizing the Purchase of Dual Tank systems for the Waste Oil Collection Sites.
The City operates 4 Public Waste Oil Collection Facilities. In the past year there have been two instances of PCB contamination found dumped into the collection tanks. The collection sites shall be retrofitted with Dual Tanks or 'Split' Tanks to simplify operations for collection as one tank can then be locked out for contamination testing while the other tank remains open. The tanks shall also be designed for easier cleaning in the event of a contamination event. The 2014 budget provides for retrofitting of the sites. Purchase of the tanks is desired at this time as funds are available presently, that will otherwise not be available in 2014.
Now Therefore, Be it Resolved that the City Engineer and the Purchasing Manager are hereby authorized to purchase up to 4 Dual Tank Systems for the Waste Oil Collection Sites.