Fiscal Note
This Resolution increases expenditures and revenues by $76,136. There is no impact on the tax levy or Expenditure Restraint Program eligibility.
Amending the Fire Department 2009 Operating Budget to increase expenses by $76,136, which is offset by revenue due to increased elevator inspections.
The approved 2009 Fire Operating Budget included the implementation of an elevator inspection program. The Department budget estimated the number of inspections to be conducted without University of Wisconsin or State buildings under the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA). The University of Wisconsin and DOA have now decided that the City will also conduct inspections for their buildings. This results in an increase of elevator inspections to a total of 2100 per year.
The requested amendment to the 2009 Fire Operating budget is to add one position of Elevator Code Enforcement Officer 1 (16-19), overtime, supplies, services and revenue to adjust for the increase in this program. The requested amendment to the budget is as follows:
Permanent Salaries(51100) $ 38,142
Overtime Salaries (51300) 660
Benefits (52000) 14,728
Phone-cell (54201) 417
Phone-regular (54202) 1,903
Mileage (54620) 2,886
Training (54641) 1,000
Office Supplies (55110) 500
Subscriptions & books (55120) 1,500
Postage (55120) 450
Office Equipment (55145) 11,500
Small Equipment (55262) 1,200
Work Supplies (55510) 250
Uniforms (55710) 1,000
Elevator Program Revenue will increase by $76,136 due to the increase in buildings.
WHEREAS, the 2009 Fire Department Operating Budget did not include buildings under the control of the University of Wisconsin and DOA.
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