Fiscal Note
This resolution authorizes a double fill of the Street Superintendent position held by Al Schumacher. Effective with Mr. Schumacher's change to paid leave (vacation) status on December 24, 2011, Streets Operations Manager Chris Kelley has been acting as the interim Street Superintendent, at an annualized marginal cost of $6,000. If the double fill lasts until April 13, 2012, total costs for 2012 can be estimated at $1,731, or $2,390 including benefits. Actual costs may be slightly higher or lower, depending upon the actual date of hire of the permanant Superintendent, and upon whether internal or external hiring is selected. Costs will be absorbed within the Streets 2012 Operating Budget by the management of salary savings. No appropriation is required.
Authorizing a double-fill of the Streets Superintendent due to the retirement of Al Schumacher.
WHEREAS, Mr. Al Schumacher, Streets Superintendent, is retiring from City of Madison employment after thirty-seven (37) years of service; and
WHEREAS, it is imperative that a provisional appointment be made to this position for the busy winter and spring months, causing a double-fill in excess of the thirty (30) days, which is authorized by Madison General Ordinance;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the double-filling of the Streets Superintendent position in the Streets Division is approved for a period December 24, 2011 through April 13, 2012.