Fiscal Note
This resolution authorizes applying for a DNR Lake Planning Grant in the amount of $25,000. In-kind expenses are included in the 2015 Capital Budget of the Engineering Division ESTM-58270-810384-00-53W1921 for $14,000 and the Parks Department Acct. No. CL60-58201-810677-6165012 for $5,000
Resolution Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Apply For And Accept A Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Lake Planning Grant To Develop a Comprehensive Restoration and Management Plan for Warner Lagoon. (18th & 12th ADs)
In its current configuration, Warner Lagoon functions (hydraulically) as a storm water detention pond for Lake Mendota. Although this management scheme has proved relatively beneficial for the lake, the lagoon as an individual resource has suffered. Sediment and nutrient accumulation over many years now impacts fish habitat, aquatic vegetation, and overall recreational opportunities. The purpose of this grant and project would be to develop a plan that improves Warner Lagoon as an individual resource, while maintaining some type of storm water control feature or features.
The planning process will include work completed by City staff, consultants, and volunteers.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Lake Planning Grant Program offers financial assistance for lake planning projects that will improve and protect water quality. City Engineering will apply for this grant in 2014. Should the City of Madison receive a grant for this project, the funds would be used to help with surveys, consulting fees, and laboratory costs.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk apply for and accept a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Lake Planning Grant to develop a plan that will mitigate storm water effects and improve habitat in, and immediately adjacent (shorelines) to Warner Lagoon;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Engineer is authorized to receive and sp...
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